We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.
We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.

On-site Paper Shredding & Secure Document Destruction ServicesFor questions and advice or to get a free quote, call us on 0800 181 4106.

Welcome to Shred-on-Site, the UK’s leading independent paper shredding and on-site document destruction company.

item Secure Consoles
item Scheduled Collection
item On-site Shredding

How can your business benefit from a shredding console?

Data protection has risen to the top of the agenda in the past couple of years. Thanks to regulatory change, such as the GDPR, it’s now more important than ever before for businesses to implement secure processes for data handling. Physical documents and files present a serious risk of data breach if not properly processed and disposed of – for many organisations avoiding such a situation means ensuring documents are shredded once they are no longer required.

Why working with a professional shredding partner is good for your business

There has been a significant decline in the number of organisations managing shredding in-house in recent years. As a result of the tightening up of privacy regulations and the need to better manage data, large numbers of businesses have now switched to working with a professional shredding partner for peace of mind. However, some still handle shredding in-house and there are a number of issues that can arise for those who are attempting to do this.

Business Identity theft: 7 tips on how to protect yourself

The idea of personal identity theft is fairly well embedded today but business identity theft, less so. Any organisation can be vulnerable to business identity theft, whether large or small, if it is unprotected. This will involve another individual or entity impersonating the business, which could have a negative impact on an enterprise’s reputation and clients. It’s essential to take steps to protect your business if you don’t want to end up a victim.
