Why you should make a resolution next year to start shredding

Why you should make a resolution next year to start shredding

New Year’s Resolutions are an annual tradition. If you’re considering them for your business in 2019 then start by looking at your document disposal processes. Shredding is a new year commitment that your business will benefit from all year round. From legal compliance through to giving you peace of mind when it comes to security, there are many benefits that make this a resolution worth sticking to.

3 ways that shredding helps businesses to protect their customers

Effective data management is incredibly important today. It’s crucial for any business to have this under control, not just to ensure customers are protected but also to avoid attrition. Customers today are much more proactive when it comes to checking up on how businesses will protect their data – one 2018 survey, for example, established that 92% of consumers look at an organisation's data protection track record before choosing an institution to bank with. Plus, consumers tend to be put off using companies that have experienced data protection breaches.

How you can get your business shredding solution perfected

A business shredding solution not only helps to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness but also to cover off essentials such as legal compliance and corporate social responsibility too. It is increasingly viewed as the most attractive solution to waste management and document disposal, no matter what your industry. If you’re investing in business shredding then there are a number of key elements involved in the ideal solution.


About Us

Shred-on-Site is a can-do organisation that believes in providing excellent service through exceptional people. We take care of all your shredding needs whilst delivering outstanding value for money.