Top 5 Security Threats for Businesses in the New Year

While all the focus recently has been on mitigating the impact of COVID-19, now that we’re at the start of a new year where it could potentially be less of a problem it’s important to refocus. Security threats remain a challenge for every organisation. Tougher economic conditions and a change to the way we work have added in more opportunities for potential exploitation of vulnerabilities. Awareness is crucial, which is why we’ve compiled a top 5 list of security threats for your business to stay on top of this year.

Data Security

Remote working has caused big issues for digital data security and cyber attacks and loss and theft of data will be one of the biggest problems for businesses in 2021. Most organisations had to switch quickly to working from home and this has left many gaps in security protocols and processes that third parties have already been quick to exploit. Attacks, fraud and scams can affect any enterprise, large or small, so it’s vital to be alert to the latest data security threats.

Ongoing Remote Working

Many businesses still have not adapted to the security threats that are presented by remote working - all too often this only becomes a priority after something has happened to compromise data and systems. Data in physical documents are particularly at risk, especially where employees are not taking proper care to ensure that this is being fully destroyed before deposited in the recycling or rubbish. This provides opportunities for identity thieves and those who can use sensitive and confidential data to compromise those it belongs to and make money for themselves. Shredding services provide a simple and effective way to improve this process and ensure that remote working doesn’t present an ongoing threat.

Employee Detachment

Employee detachment. Being outside of the office means that employees are not functioning within the day-to-day structures that they might be used to. While they may still be delivering work on time, contributing in meetings and performing well there’s no guarantee that internal policies are still being respected. That detachment can lead to a lax attitude where security is concerned unless a business is prepared to make this a priority.

Email scams

2021 is predicted to be the year that phishing scams really come into their own, many of them driven by the fears surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccine programmes that are currently being rolled out. Phishing emails are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to distinguish from genuine communication - something that is even harder for employees working outside of their usual corporate environment. Firms need to stay on top of the latest developments in fraudulent emails and ensure that employees do the same.

Sector-Specific threats 

Sector-specific threats. For example, the healthcare sector has undergone a huge change this year. The provision of telehealth has meant that both patients and providers can be at home for consultants. This is efficient and flexible but can increase risks to patient data, for example where this is in paper form and not being properly disposed of. Document Shredding is a simple solution for all businesses, especially those in sectors where a large volume of confidential data is being processed.

No one can predict what 2021 is going to bring but we do know that these are some of the biggest security risks that businesses are likely to face. 

To find out more on how to dispose of obsolete documents or information that requires shredding, get in touch with our team on 0800 181 4106 or request an online quote.


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