Mobile Document Destruction

How to store your secure documents before shredding

Onsite secure shredding services provide an alternative method to in-house paper shredding, with the added benefits of being both cost-effective and time-saving. Commercial mobile services can guarantee the secure destruction of your documents; however, it is important to keep these documents private before they are destroyed. Here are some ideas of how to do that:

#1 Secure containers

If your home or business is producing a fair amount of documents to shred, investing in a secure container is not a bad idea. These receptacles must not leave documents stored inside as accessible, so they should have something such as an angled slot or security plate. Shred-on-site offers lockable veneered consoles which guarantee no access to documents once stored inside. The slot is thin and located at the top of the receptacle, which is locked.

#2 Store your containers privately

Particularly with bags of confidential documents, it is important to keep them in a secure location where minimal individuals have access to them. For larger amounts of shredding, Shred-on-site offers the alternative of secure wheelie bins, which can be stored outside. In this case, it may be wise to ensure that these are out of sight, or in a location that cannot be accessed publicly.

#3 Add weight

Shred-on-site’s storage options all have one thing in common – weight. The last thing you want is someone walking off with your secure container and all its contents, which is why whatever you choose to store your documents in should be heavy enough to discourage people from trying to steal your receptacles.

#4 Bag it up

Shred-on-site knows that bags for storing secure documents need to be cling-free and static-free in order to prevent sensitive documents being compromised after getting caught. This is why our disposal bags are robust and ideal for small-regular collections.

#5 Easy shredding services

You want to make the process from storage to shredding as easy as possible, with as little work from staff as possible. All of Shred-on-site’s receptacles are wide so that large or bound documents can fit in easily, as well as no need to remove staples or paperclips, saving time and effort. As well as this, Shred-on-Site’s receptacles are all designed to be as space-efficient as possible. For example, our lockable veneered consoles have a slot on the front to leave surface space on the top free to use.

The right option for you

Whether you require a small or large volume of storage for your private documents, Shred-on-site has the solution for you. From our robust bags, to our locked wheelie bins or veneered consoles, we can help you choose the most cost-effective solution for you.

To find out more about storing your secure documents before shredding, and the most suitable option for you, get in touch with Shred-on-site today.

Author: Mark Coombes - Follow me on 

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