Top 3 reasons why Schools should be using a secure document Shredding partner

Data theft can happen at any time and from anywhere and, today, criminals who are looking to steal personal details will find them wherever they can. This includes schools, which are a huge resource of data and places that are increasingly being targeted by those who want to get hold of that information. A secure document shredding partner is increasingly becoming essential for every place of education to ensure that the school is both legally compliant and protecting the people in its community. These are the top 3 reasons to find a secure document shredding partner for your school.


Maintaining a positive reputation for the school

Schools have a key role in keeping children safe while learning and giving them the tools to go on to create exciting lives. This comes with a big responsibility as a huge amount of data is generated during the process. If this data is obtained by third parties or goes missing then this can create big issues for a school. It may acquire a reputation of being lax where security is concerned or not taking the welfare of children and staff seriously. This is something that can be very easily avoided with the right data destruction methods in place. Schools generate a lot of paper documents and this is one way that information can leak and a reputation end up damaged. Partnering with a secure shredding service will ensure that this doesn’t happen.


Avoiding identity theft

Identity theft is becoming an increasingly serious problem - there are significant benefits for criminals in obtaining the personal details of individuals and so there has been a big rise in the number of cases. Schools represent a pot of gold for identity theft, as there are so many documents containing personal details in circulation all the time. Many people assume that organisations targeted for identity theft are only those in the finance or retail sector but that’s not the case. It’s just as simple for third parties to get hold of sensitive information from documents in schools, especially as security there may not be as tight. That’s why it’s vital for every school to have a system in place to destroy documents that contain this data - a secure document shredding partner makes this process much easier to manage.


Health and safety

Space is often at a premium in schools and documents that pile up in boxes can take up a lot of room. This kind of clutter isn’t conducive to learning and can also make a school feel chaotic and untidy. There is also the need to consider the health and safety aspects of keeping large amounts of paper filing in storage - this is a fire risk and could also be an injury risk if the boxes were to fall on someone.

From helping to keep secure information safe to protect the school’s reputation, to avoiding identity theft and ensuring health and safety standards are high these are just some of the reasons why it’s essential for schools to have a secure document shredding partner.

At Shred-on-Site we offer various services from one off collections to a regular shredding service. All our agents adhere to strict COVID regulations and are deemed as an essential service securing and safely disposing of sensitive obsolete records.

To get in touch with our friendly team, either by calling us on 0800 181 4106 or request an online quote we will be glad to help support your shredding needs.




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