Every type of government department needs a Document Shredding Policy to protect sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. It’s not just the Security Services who need to shred confidential waste. Local Authorities, Parish Councils and even statutory agencies such as the Police deal with confidential information on a daily basis. Public sector organisations of all varieties need to ensure that they have a cost-effective document destruction solution in place that protects the British tax payer against Identity theft. With regulatory requirements getting tighter every year, a Document Shredding Policy is essential in order to keep your office compliant with legislation.

Document shredding can quickly become a burdensome and time consuming task for Facilities Managers who operate within tightly regulated environments with increasingly controlled budgets. The solution for the Public Sector can be found in a Mobile Document Destruction Service which is more cost effective and convenient than you may have previously thought.
Shred-on-Site’s Government Document Shredding Solution guarantees the secure destruction of your paper waste. Complete confidentiality and security of your data is maintained at all times as we use highly skilled and vetted professionals to manage the secure destruction of your documentation. All waste is shredded into tiny confetti-sized pieces within a closed mobile shredding vehicle. Our state-of-the-art machinery ensures that every last document is shredded so small that it could never be pieced together again. Our solution is environmentally sustainable and can be included as part of a Carbon Reduction Strategy or Recycling Policy.