We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.
We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.

On-site Paper Shredding & Secure Document Destruction ServicesFor questions and advice or to get a free quote, call us on 0800 181 4106.

Welcome to Shred-on-Site, the UK’s leading independent paper shredding and on-site document destruction company.

item Secure Consoles
item Scheduled Collection
item On-site Shredding

The Importance of shredding in the healthcare industry

There are few types of data that are more sensitive and personal than medical data - which makes this a key area for data protection and effective destruction. Plus, the rise in medical identity theft in recent years has put extra pressure on the healthcare industry to ensure that documents are being properly disposed of. Shredding provides a reliable option for meeting compliance requirements when it comes to data protection and destruction and ensuring that trust with patients remains intact.

Why Shred On Site? A Look at the Environmental Impact of Professional Shredding Services

If your business is looking to reduce its environmental impact then investing in professional shredding services with Shred on Site is a great way to do this. We all know that shredding is vital for protecting confidential data, fulfilling compliance objectives and ensuring business and personal security but did you know that it’s also good for the environment? According to research by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US, the impact of shredding, in terms of reducing environmental impact, could be very positive indeed.

Why is shredding documents important?

In any office environment, shredding is a vital part of the document lifecycle. Many organisations handle confidential information and not disposing of this properly can create a multitude of problems. Most workplaces are not yet paper free today and this can mean documents accumulate, creating opportunities for data theft to take place and exposing the business to consequences. These are just some of the reasons why shredding documents is so important.
