How can you get your in-house security up to scratch with on-site shredding?

Information security needs to be a top priority for every business. With more stringent requirements incoming for data protection, and consumers and companies for more demanding about how sensitive data is handled, there are no longer any excuses for not ensuring that your in-house security is up to scratch when it comes to data protection. Alongside the raft of digital protections that are available via firewalls and anti virus software, on-site shredding has a part to play in this too.

What shredding services are best for your business?

“Confidentiality” and “data protection” are the two current key phrases for many UK businesses. With new legal requirements incoming for data protection, as well as an increased focus from consumers and businesses on what happens to their data in others’ hands, disposing of sensitive, personal or confidential information is more important than it has ever been. Because we still don’t operate in entirely paperless environments, shredding plays a central role in confidential information and data handling strategy for every business across all industries.

What differences are there between on-site and off-site shredding?

Data protection and customer confidentiality are a key concern for many customers, especially with large scale cases being made public news. The consequences of data breaches and insufficient protection measures can be catastrophic to businesses, whose brand can be damaged, customer trust broken, not to mention legal action and financial penalties. Shredding is a large part of ensuring that this high level of security is maintained, but what different types of shredding are there and which is the best for your business?


About Us

Shred-on-Site is a can-do organisation that believes in providing excellent service through exceptional people. We take care of all your shredding needs whilst delivering outstanding value for money.