We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.
We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.

On-site Paper Shredding & Secure Document Destruction ServicesFor questions and advice or to get a free quote, call us on 0800 181 4106.

Welcome to Shred-on-Site, the UK’s leading independent paper shredding and on-site document destruction company.

item Secure Consoles
item Scheduled Collection
item On-site Shredding

Which on-site shredding services are right for your business?

Safe and secure data disposal is now crucial for every business. Whether you’re dealing with paper documents or non-paper media, such as CDs or USB sticks, the standards of safe disposal are higher than they have ever been. Legal compliance, preserving reputation and ensuring greater operational efficiency are just a few of the reasons why shredding makes a huge difference to the ability a business has to meet expectations.

Is it worth outsourcing your shredding requirements?

Every business has paper waste to a certain extent, although some may have a much higher volume than others. This is where outsourced shredding partners come in to provide services to a range of businesses by regularly collecting secure paperwork for shredding and then recycling. So what is it that companies find attractive about using outsourced shredding partners and why might it be worthwhile outsourcing your business’ shredding requirements?
