What you should consider when looking to dispose of Hard drives & Media

Since the GDPR came into force in 2018, there has been a lot of focus on the importance of ensuring that paper documents containing sensitive data are properly disposed of. However, while this remains a key consideration for compliance with data privacy regulations, it’s not the only one. In fact, it’s just as important to focus on safely disposing of hard drives and other media too. These can create just as much exposure for your business if they fall into the wrong hands.

Why businesses should not shred documents in-house

Over the past few years, secure and effective document disposal has gone from being a “nice to have” to critical to business survival. It’s now a legal requirement to ensure that data rich documents are properly and securely disposed of and this has given rise to a move away from handling processes such as shredding in-house. If you have yet to make the leap to a shredding partner there are some very good reasons why now is exactly the right time to do so.

Staying GDPR compliant with Paper Shredding Security Policy

It may be a year now since the GDPR was first introduced but this regulation is just as relevant now as it was then. Perhaps even more so, particularly when it comes to paper based data. Although many people assume that the GDPR only places requirements on businesses for dealing differently with digital data, in fact it needs to be integrated with respect to the risks for physical data too.


About Us

Shred-on-Site is a can-do organisation that believes in providing excellent service through exceptional people. We take care of all your shredding needs whilst delivering outstanding value for money.