Why working with a professional shredding partner is good for your business

There has been a significant decline in the number of organisations managing shredding in-house in recent years. As a result of the tightening up of privacy regulations and the need to better manage data, large numbers of businesses have now switched to working with a professional shredding partner for peace of mind. However, some still handle shredding in-house and there are a number of issues that can arise for those who are attempting to do this.

Business Identity theft: 7 tips on how to protect yourself

The idea of personal identity theft is fairly well embedded today but business identity theft, less so. Any organisation can be vulnerable to business identity theft, whether large or small, if it is unprotected. This will involve another individual or entity impersonating the business, which could have a negative impact on an enterprise’s reputation and clients. It’s essential to take steps to protect your business if you don’t want to end up a victim.

The importance of using a Paper Shredding Service

‘Data’ seems to be the buzzword these days. It’s something that every business generates and collects a lot of, whether it belongs to customers, clients or the business itself. That data can create a lot of issues if it isn’t properly disposed of and a paper shredding service is really the only way to ensure that happens. Working with a shredding service can also help to improve the efficiency and social responsibility of your business too.


About Us

Shred-on-Site is a can-do organisation that believes in providing excellent service through exceptional people. We take care of all your shredding needs whilst delivering outstanding value for money.